Well it is definitely monsoon or typhoon or rainy season here (whatever you want to call it). It has been raining all day. We sat in the office all morning and Brady told us about all the things that need to be done.
Joseph, our dear ward friend, came and hung out with us for an hour or so. This kid is so cool. He's a return missionary from South Africa and just the nicest guy you'll ever meet.
Yesterday, I said thank you to a muslim woman that sneezed behind me and the plant manager, James, said that she didn't acknowledge me because she thought I was some crazy Christian talking about praising the Lord and blessing people. Haha.
We went out to coast coconut farms yesterday and they started working in order to show us how the process worked. We got to crack open the coconut shells, and go through the whole process.
We just barely got back from eating lunch at Elite Cafe (it was delicious...i ate a lot of rice and maybe 2 beans, I'm easing into the whole beans thing) and we had quite an interesting experience. Let's just say that this Kenyan man called me "sweetie" and "utah (pronounced ootah) jazz" and tried to get me to do what Kenyan's do. I didn't get it at first either. Haha Andrew is going to tell the whole story on his blog-but I'll tell it later. It was really funny, especially because my face was dark red and Blair, Sam, and Andrew were just dying laughing.
I put a couple more pics up.
Dad the electrical picture is for you. Some of the wiring at CCF is even worse. Above the only sink they have outside are a bunch of loose, hanging wires. So there is another guy here named Sam Fife (he's only here til June 8th) and he's taking doxycycline and he sure got a bad sunburn. So we wear a lot of sunscreen.
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