Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dedicated to G-ma and G-pa J

Our RS lesson on Sunday was about creating a home garden and its importance. I’ve decided that Karen actually follows the manual when she knows nothing about the subject and/or doesn’t do it herself. She had a lot to say about nutrition for mother and baby but this subject, well she didn’t firmly believe in it. But that didn’t stop her normal “tirade.”

She thought the manual was particularly funny because of the pictures. She kept running from the front to laugh with us about the pictures. Like the one with the lady using a shovel. I guess they don’t have those here and they don’t wear shoes in their garden for that matter. They use pick axes? That’s what I understood.

My favorite portion of the lesson was when she remembered a story involving back problems, her friend, gardening, and rocks. Her friend did not know the proper way to lift something in the garden (which Karen demonstrated for us, in her dress) and because of this, she has back problems. And what did the doctor do? He hung rocks from her neck to straighten her out.

So Grandma and Grandpa and anyone else for that matter, if you don’t use good lifting techniques in your garden, we may have to hang some rocks from your neck.

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