Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Harry Potter and lots of Sweets

I just couldn’t resist telling everyone that I saw the new Harry Potter movie tonight. I’m nervous to say that I loved it because I’m not sure if word has it that everyone loves it or hates it. But, to possibly stand alone, I loved it.

This is basically how it went. We all went to the movie theater and before the show Andrew and I bought a giant bucket of popcorn for 2 bucks. I could barely wrap my arms around this monster. The lady gave us half caramel/ half regular or half SWEET and half SALTY as Andrew explained with exaggerated gestures.

Movies generally begin with the same previews every time. I’m getting stoked for Fantastic Four and the movie where the guy’s wife gets pregnant and they have to move to a house in the woods. Every time I see the preview I get more and more excited. So, we watch previews for maybe 10 or 15 minutes then Mr. Bean shows us proper movie etiquette. In the no smoking segment, he attempts to smoke a cigarette, pipe, bigger pipe, and something that resembles a giant pepper grinder. Next, he gabs silently on his cell phone and the hand comes from the side and pulls it away from him. The last part of the segment shows Mr. Bean drinking a martini. As the hand keeps taking them away, the camera reveals that he has been making the martinis with this setup that looks like a child’s chemistry set. Finally, he accepts the fact that it is going to be a giant cup the size of his torso and a bucket of popcorn that looks exactly like the one we ate.

After Mr. Bean, we get commercials and not just a dash. I’d say about 15 minutes. Advertisements for paint, exchanging money, etc. Basically everything that should be advertised before a kid’s movie. I usually get pretty geared up during the previews and to have a block of Mr. Bean and poorly done advertisements kind of kills it all. The last advertisement we saw was for a cell phone company advertising one of their plans called Mambo 6. (Mambo is slang for Jambo and you pay 6 ksh per minute during off peak hours) The theme song they chose was of course good old Mambo #5 by that one guy. They even have a different Latino singing it. Another fabulous Kenyan replica with the same Mexican feel.

Harry Potter was going great. I had my jacket to my face (this one was a little bit scarier) and Harry had just kissed Cho (sorry if you haven’t seen it) and then we get this ghetto movie reel going across the screen. Intermission. And once again, commercials. The same ones. If I see that guy named Peter in a Durapaint uniform teaching me how to paint a wall one more time, I’m not sure who will die but someone will. Before I could kill anyone, Harry Potter came back on in 5 minutes and we made it to the end without another intermission.

If you are lucky (we weren’t lucky in this showing), you get to stand for the Kenyan national anthem. I’ve only done this once before (the other movie we went to I had to take my camera home because the guy thought I was a bootlegger) and it is a bit awkward because you want to put your hand on your heart but is that appropriate here? Probably not. I came home from the theater, ate a not-frozen, imitation otter pop, and a frozen homemade brownie. Thanks Mom!

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