Wednesday, July 18, 2007

In Kenya News…

I have to pay tribute to the NTV news station, The Standard Newspaper, and the South African news show that provided quality entertainment for me over the past week.

My favorite thing about NTV news was their attempt at American news casting. Their news stories were full of phrases like “let the cat out of the basket,” “sands of time,” and “reinventing the wheel.” There were hardly any commercials between news stories but enough to make you excited for more. We heard all about how Kenyans were doing in the All-African games for about 30 seconds and then a 10 minute story about how there was a cat nursing dogs. Hmm.

The Standard Newspaper kept me sane on our drive home from Nairobi to Mombasa. It was about 7 hours and I had finished my book the day before. I attempted to reread the Odyssey but the introduction retold the story and analyzed the characters, so I figured there was no point. The Standard is a well-written newspaper but there is a section in the middle that is just for the Monday newspaper that was full of gossip, love advice, and weird weird stories. One of my favorites-retold in my words:

“This guy in Romania was arrested for murder and went to prison. He sued God because when he was baptized it was part of the covenant that God wouldn’t let bad things happen to him and God had let Satan tempt him. He was suing for all the time he wasted at church and candles he bought. He tried to get his money back for 2 years and finally gave up because God does not have an address.”

I don’t have any sources to confirm this story but it made me laugh.

The South African news show had 2 stories that caught my attention

  1. Maybe I’m just in a bubble but did anyone know that Zimbabwe’s inflation is around 10,000%? And that their President just ordered all stores to slash their prices in half so that the population can afford it? Basically, the President is taking control of whatever he can and creating black markets left and right. This guy needs to be gone gone gone because all his people are headin for South Africa. And the World Food Programme is upping the amount of food being sent there. Feeding 4 million instead of 2 million. We should feed the hungry but isn’t it a bad sign when the President’s plan to help people out creates more hungry people?
  2. This news story is probably more widespread. A bunch of Libyan nurses and a Palestinian doctor are in jail for infecting over 400 children with aids? Wow, I have a hard time believing they did it.

Now, of course, is the topic of the earthquakes that have been happening in Tanzania. We did feel them at breakfast in the Masai Mara and at our office in Mombasa. Just a little shake. David (marketing manager) was telling us about this fella who is a legit professor from a university who went all religious and got on national television about 3 months ago telling Nairobi that it was too late for them. God is sending an earthquake to kill everybody and even if they repent well it’s too late. This guy is probably feeling pretty good right now- prophesying things that are sort of happening. Too bad there is not much we can do about it.

In other news (as Andrew would say), I added lotsa pics.

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